About Me

My name is Father Steve Macias and I am a Priest in California’s Silicon Valley.

I am the Headmaster at Canterbury Christian School and Rector of Saint Paul’s Anglican Church.

I am a presbyter (priest/pastor/minister) in the Reformed Episcopal Church, a founding jurisdiction of the Anglican Church in North America.

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    A Reformed Episcopal Priest & Classical Educator

    Who Controls the Future of the Anglican Church in North America

    • May 31, 2024
    • by


    In this video, I discuss my perspective on what I believe will shape the future of the Anglican Church in North America and explain why I have aligned myself with the Reformed Episcopal Church.


    I reflect on my past experience in California politics, where I served as the youngest elected vice president of the California Republican Assembly and worked in various political roles for nearly a decade. I see a parallel between the political echo chambers I observed and similar patterns in theological discussions.

    Even though I’m firmly conservative—I believe in male-only priesthood, traditional marriage, and the infallibility of God’s word—I critique how many online theologians and conservative bloggers only preach to their own small, already convinced audiences. This reminds me of the Republican strategy meetings I attended, where despite significant efforts and resources, success was elusive due to the entrenched political landscape of California, which is predominantly Democrat. I conclude that merely rearranging beliefs or strategies without substantial change is ineffective, whether in politics or theology.


    Update: May 31, 2024 – Augustine Appeal & Male-Only Presbyterate

    Copied over from North American Anglican: 

    As the College of Bishops prepares to elect a new Archbishop, we celebrate with gratitude the 15th anniversary of the Anglican Church in North America, recognizing the Province’s steadfast commitment to orthodox Anglicanism and gospel mission.

    While we are hopeful for the continued fruitfulness of orthodox Anglicanism in North America, we believe that the unresolved issue of women’s ordination to the priesthood imperils the mission of our Province. As ACNA clergy, we wish to restate the biblical and consensus position of the Great Tradition. We hope that this statement will unify clergy seeking to articulate the Faith once for all delivered, and chart the direction we pray our next Archbishop will lead us.


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    I help Christians discover their calling in God’s Kingdom so that they may lead purpose-filled lives with victory, hope, and abundance.

    About Me

    Father Steve Macias is an Anglican priest in the Reformed Episcopal Church (ACNA). He is the Headmaster of Canterbury School and Rector of Saint Paul’s Anglican Church. He is married to Sarah and the father to Athanasius, Anselm, Assumpta, Basil and Zoe. His professional work consulting with political campaigns, leading nonprofit organizations, and in the California State Capitol has been recognized by The Los Angeles Times, National Review Magazine, Our Sunday Visitor, The Chalcedon Foundation, and numerous online and print publications. You can reach him on twitter @stevemacias.
