Truman addressed the Armed Forces in 1945 with his famous Total Victory radio address:
“The war, to which we have devoted all the resources and all the energy of our country for more than three and a half years, has now produced total victory over all our enemies.”
Truman delivered this speech on May 8, 1945, following the surrender of Nazi trGermany in World War II.
Total Victory.
I think of this quote in relation to our current fight for the future of Christendom. The frontlines in our battle for the future are not Twitter, Facebook, or even the New York Times.
Where is the front line?
The frontline is pew 1, seat 1 here in my chapel.
The frontline is row 1, seat 1 here in my classroom.
The frontline is the set of bistro chairs in from of the neighborhood coffee shop.
The frontline is the 15-20 mile radius forming a perimeter around my parish.
This is my battlefield and where I will invest my resources – especially my time.
Geography Matters
Over a decade ago, I worked for an assembly candidate’s campaign in Northern California. One of my first roles was to join him at the party convention, which was being held about six hours south of the assembly district’s border. As we were unpacking stickers, brochures, and other materials at our table, an officer with the state party came by to say hello. I told him about the race and how excited I was to have a chance to help flip a closely contested district.
As the candidate joined our conversation, the party officer smiled and asked him, “If this race is so close, what the hell are you doing here?” He continued, “There are no voters for the Nth Assembly district here, and if there were — you already have them.” I remember feeling the blood draining from my face and the lump in my throat. He was right.
Our battle for Christendom is extremely difficult, and it will require “all the resources” and “all the energy” at the frontline.
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