Bishop Ray Sutton REC

The Year of Bishops

Our parish hosted four Episcopal Visits this year:

1. Bishop Sutton (REC/ACNA)

In March 2024, our parish had the privilege of welcoming The Most Rev. Dr. Ray Sutton, the ordinary for our parish, for a special confirmation service.

Bishop Ray Sutton RECACNA

Bishop Sutton is not only the ordinary of our parish but also serves as the Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC) and the Ordinary of the Diocese of Mid-America. In addition to these roles, he is the Dean of the Province and Ecumenical Affairs for the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), a body of which the Reformed Episcopal Church is a founding member and special jurisdiction.

2. Bishop Cherian (CSI)

In July 2024, our parish was honored to welcome Bishop Malayil Sabu Koshy Cherian, Bishop of the Madhya Kerala Diocese of the Church of South India.

Bishop Cherian CSI

During his visit, Bishop Cherian performed a confirmation service and celebrated the calling of the first vicar for the CSI Church of Northern California, specifically serving the Malayalam congregation in our parish. On January 4, 2025, we were blessed to hold an installation service that included a baptism, three confirmations, and the presence of visitors from the Mar Thoma and Syriac Jacobite Churches.

3. Bishop Boonzaaijer (REC Cuba)

In August 2024, we were honored to host Bishop John Peter Boonzaaijer at Canterbury School.

Bishop Boonzaaijer REC Cuba

As part of his research on Christian education, Bishop Boonzaaijer, who serves as the president of the Reformed Episcopal Church’s Board of Foreign Missions and suffragan bishop for the REC’s Missionary Diocese of Cuba, visited our school to learn about our unique approach to Classical education.

During his visit, he participated in Evensong at St. Paul’s and Canterbury’s annual teacher commissioning service, offering prayers and blessings for the educators who inspire and shape the minds of our students.

4. Bishop Beach (ADOTS/ACNA)

In December, Archbishop Foley Beach, Primate and Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America visited St. Paul’s for a joint service with the CSI Church of Northern California for the installation of Jerin Thomas George as the vicar of the Malayalam congregation.

Archbishop Beach ADOTSACNA

During the service, Bishop Beach led the institution service and also a confirmation. The Very Rev Canon Sean George (Dean of the Madhya Kerala Deanery) accompanied the Bishop.

Steve Macias
Reformed Episcopal Priest. Rector at Saint Paul’s & Headmaster at Canterbury School.