RNS Quotes: On Indian Christian Persecution

A press release published in the Religious News Service (RNS) entitled, “Californian clergy coalition prays and speaks for persecuted Indian Christians” quotes me with the following:

“The great moral evil that will be remembered in the year 2022 is the persecution of the millions of Christians in India,” declared Fr. Steve Macias, a priest in the Reformed Episcopal Church, as he joined fellow clergy-members to raise awareness about the escalating persecution of Indian Christians. “The religious persecution that many Christians refuse to look at, refuse to pay attention to, refuse to stand up for, refuse to be advocates for.”

“There is a difference between a Christian in the United States and a Christian in India,” said Macias. “We have the use of our freedom to advocate for those who have no voice. We have the use of our freedom to speak for those who are silenced by violence, by economic oppression, by political movements that would like to see them either not worship or not live in their nation.”

He continued: “The reason why I am here today is because what we are recognizing is a great evil: the persecution of religious minorities, specifically the Christians who are being attacked, and mobbed, beaten, and robbed because of their religious affiliation. We have a responsibility to contend against such evil…. Not only are we to see it, recognize it, hear it, but we are to make no peace with oppression. Make no peace. As a Christian, I pray this wholeheartedly: make no peace with oppression, make no peace with those who hold the idea that Hindu is the faith of all people, make no peace with those who say that their political nationalism must be oppressive towards all people, make no peace with the oppression that says we cannot fully express who we are.”

Link: https://religionnews.com/2022/03/02/californian-clergy-coalition-prays-and-speaks-for-persecuted-indian-christians/

Video of the February 22nd event is also available here:

Steve Macias
Reformed Episcopal Priest. Rector at Saint Paul’s & Headmaster at Canterbury School.