Through New Eyes: Developing a Biblical View of the World by James B. Jordan
The way the Bible uses symbols shows us how to interpret God’s natural revelation. When we see how the Bible speaks of stars, gemstones, lions, lambs, fish, trees, and thorns, we will be able to walk outside and appreciate God’s world. We will also be able to see in the world pictures of human life and society. Since a study of symbolism is so important, it behooves us to take a closer look at the nature of it, and how it functions in human life.
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
“All creation is the most beautiful book of the Bible; in it
God has described and portrayed Himself.”
Herman Bavinck (1854–1921)
“We do not see God as he is in himself. We behold him in his works. We name him according to the manner in which he has revealed himself in his works. To see God face to face is for us impossible, at least here on earth. If, nevertheless, God wills that we should know him, he must needs descend to the level of the creature. He must needs accommodate himself to our limited, finite, human consciousness.”
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