Is Your Child’s Diet Connected to ADHD behavior?
There exists a debate on whether diet and particularly whether sugar consumption is connected to hyperactivity. Some experts claim that parents like myself are mistaken…
Recap of Ministry for 2021
These are some highlights of my ministry activity for 2021 – feel free to ask questions in the comments. I currently serve as the Rector…
Historical Connections between Anglicanism and Christian Reconstruction
DISCLAIMER: The names of individuals or organizations listed below may or may not be associated with Christian Reconstruction today. It is not my intention to…
American and Anglican: Anglicanism as the Founding Faith of the Colonies and the American Republic
Did you know the first Communion service in the New World happened on the West Coast using the Anglican Book of Common Prayer? What church…
American Anglicanism Began in California
The New World was discovered a short time before Dr. Martin Luther lit the spark which started the Reformation on the Continent. Following Columbus, explorers…
Covenant Renewal in History (Through New Eyes)
The Movement of History in James B Jordan’s Through New Eyes. Download the chapter here: The Movement of History: “After the fall man entered into a decline.” (p. 167) …
Transformation by Worship (Through New Eyes)
Through New Eyes, Chapters 11-13Book Link: Study Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xn1_vsdko90OH6A6qhfgzEsIr4Fy7ccFHYN6CvmFqCs/edit?usp=sharing The Process of Transformation Henry Van Til: [Culture] “is the activity of man as image-bearer…
Biblical Typology of Astronomy, Trees, Animals, and Angels (Through New Eyes)
Through New Eyes, Chapters 4-9 Book Link: Build a house? Need a blueprint. The Heavenly Blueprint: “What we have seen thus far is that…
Symbolism and Worldview – Through New Eyes
Symbolism is not some secondary concern, some mere curiosity. In a very real sense, symbolism is more important than anything else for the life of…