About Me

My name is Father Steve Macias and I am a Priest in California’s Silicon Valley.

I am the Headmaster at Canterbury Christian School and Rector of Saint Paul’s Anglican Church.

I am a presbyter (priest/pastor/minister) in the Reformed Episcopal Church, a founding jurisdiction of the Anglican Church in North America.

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    A Reformed Episcopal Priest & Classical Educator
    Posts for Espanol Category

    The Book of Common Prayer in Spanish

    The earliest versions of the Anglican Prayerbook existed in French, German, Latin, and Spanish during the 16th and 17th centuries.

    The “English” of the prayer book is an important part of its legacy – in that it provides the prayers and Scripture in the common vernacular tongue that could be understood by the people. It also represents the return to a Pre-Norman conquest identity. To pray in English not only throws off the Pope and Romanism, but also centuries of French dominance over English Christianity. It was the eleventh century invasion of William the Conquerer...

    My Spanish heritage and the Mexican Independence Movement

    The Ancestry DNA test told me that our Mexican lineage could be traced back to Spain, so I decided to read the Mexican baptism...

    Narnia: “By Jove” Localization in Spanish

    Last week I finished the first half of CS Lewis’s “El León, La Bruja,y El Ropero” (or the “The Lion, the Witch, and the...

    I help Christians discover their calling in God’s Kingdom so that they may lead purpose-filled lives with victory, hope, and abundance.

    About Me

    Father Steve Macias is an Anglican priest in the Reformed Episcopal Church (ACNA). He is the Headmaster of Canterbury School and Rector of Saint Paul’s Anglican Church. He is married to Sarah and the father to Athanasius, Anselm, Assumpta, Basil and Zoe. His professional work consulting with political campaigns, leading nonprofit organizations, and in the California State Capitol has been recognized by The Los Angeles Times, National Review Magazine, Our Sunday Visitor, The Chalcedon Foundation, and numerous online and print publications. You can reach him on twitter @stevemacias.
