Through New Eyes, Chapters 4-9
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Build a house? Need a blueprint.
The Heavenly Blueprint: “What we have seen thus far is that heaven forms the model for the earth – socially, artistically, morally, spiritually, and in every other way.” (p. 47)
Typology: “early Church Fathers regarded typology as central to their understanding of the Scriptures…” (p. 50)
Sun, Moon, and Stars
Astronomy and Biblical Constellations:
- Heavenly Bodies are light and represent God’s Glory
- They were given for signs/symbols and for seasons/festivals/calendars. (Moon/Sun)
- Govern “time” and therefore symbols of power, kings, rulers, and nations.
- Angelic and Human Host around Heaven.
“We have seen that the expression “stars of the heavens” and “powers of the heavens” often refer to human governors…The expression “new heavens and new earth,” while it can refer to a transfigured cosmos, can also refer to a new order on the earth: new rulers and new people.” (p 67)
Trees and Thorns:
Trees: “…the Bible calls attention to food and medicine, beauty and shade.” (pg. 84)
Arboreal Imagery: Ark. Burning Bush. Wooden Temples and Altars. Ladders to Heaven.
“As blood was put on the four horns of the altar (the four corners of the earth), so the blood of Christ was on the four ends of the cross (head, hands, feet).” (pg. 90)
Birds and Beasts:
“Animals image human life more closely than any other aspects of creation.” (p. 96)
Animals reflect human analogies (e.g mates, names, proverbs) and reflect law-keeping nature of the sacrificial system (e.g. husbandry rules, clean/unclean, temple imagery)
Angels: “run the world for God.” (pg. 107)
Created at Genesis 1:1 as a host, not race. Men become/mature to be like the Angels.
“God’s world is a friendly world, run by Him personally and by His angels. Investigations
of ‘natural’ processes are really investigations of how God’s stewards run His house.” (pg. 111)
As angels worship at the throne, so the Church worships her Lord in sacrament and liturgy.
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